Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Bigger the Lie

Today feels not unlike the day President John F. Kennedy was shot.  I am sickened, sad and worried for our country.  It was supposed to be over; the end to the crazy “Birthers” yelling about President Barack Obama’s supposed foreign birthplace. 

When the White House posted the official long form of the President’s Hawaiian birth certificate yesterday on its website I felt a bit ashamed.  How could I have been so gullible to have listened to those rumors and birther rants for even a second?  I was giving political-wizardry kudos to the Chicago Community Organizer for a well played game of F.U. Politics, reeling in the opponents, enemies and haters, and then dispatching them with a Hawaiian knockout blow ---until today.  

 The document the White House released yesterday is a fake, a fraud, a lie---and not even a very good one.   

How many thousands of people in the world have computers in their homes or at work that have the well known Adobe Illustrator software loaded on them?  The whole world is able to open the newest Obama birth certificate with this program and actually see how this digitally faked document was constructed with multiple layers of numbers and letters from some other documents.  There are a growing number of techies discovering this almost unbelievable story all over the internet.  Here’s just one link to a couple of young tech guys discovering the Presidential deceit  on YouTube.   

Who knows what reason Obama has for doing this?  We elected someone we thought we knew well enough but who now has turned into an enigma. He must actually hate this country.  How much he hates us will be shown in the days ahead.  Will he put the country through drawn out Impeachment proceedings, resign quickly, stonewall with more lies, fire off salvos of rhetoric in order to shame his enemies into ignoring this situation, or will his minions bludgeon us with nail-imbedded clubs of “racism” and “birther conspiracy” rhetoric on a campaign of reelection?  Pray for our country.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Palin Hater is #1 on Bad Karma List

On April 21st a somewhat humanoid-looking being known as Jack Stuef whom we believe was born on this planet, wrote in the online site called Wonkette, a cruelly sick article about Trig Palin, Sarah Palin’s Down Syndrome-afflicted child.  It was Trig’s 3rd birthday.  Here's the story that was posted: (may be slow to load-wait for it) As the true viciousness of the Wonkette story spread beyond the electronic webtubes, major heat from outraged citizens began incinerating the very pixels of this garbage encrusted story.   

It was removed with an insincere apology but not in time to save at least 3 advertisers from exiting in less than a New York minute (Toyota, Papa John’s Pizza, Huggies).   Not until today did I actually read it (thanks to Google’s cache) because despite the uproar from so many, it didn’t seem that words this cruel aimed at an innocent special-needs child in order to punish the mother could ever hit a quazi-mainstream site like Wonkette.  But they did and I am nauseated but thankful to Stuef for allowing people, who otherwise would not have had an opportunity, to witness what the extremely motivated Left can do to their perceived enemies.   

Stuef is the newest Libtard Hero (that's him wearing the Georgetown shirt-they must be very proud).  Like a South Central gang initiation he has targeted a truly helpless citizen. Besides helping to alleviate a troubling aggression issue, J.S. has thrown himself onto the Progressive Hero funeral pyre, becoming a lightning rod for his comrades to gauge how close to the hilt their own daggers can be shoved.  Stuef wrote this Sarah Palin hate piece, attacking her innocent child for the benefit of his peers; those with the same black holes where hearts are supposed to be.

Many of us who happen to be of the Conservative persuasion have witnessed some of this unexplainable Hate that exudes from the bizarre world of the Extreme Left.  Trying to understand it for so many years has become my interrupted journey that stopped becoming relevant long ago. A consistent inverse-square rule for LeftHate is the happier we are with our families, our religion, our country---the more Hate the Liberal armies regurgitate.   
We have become exorcists to them. Bound with cords of truth to their beds of lies we sear their flesh with crosses of love.

Their heads spin counter clockwise, split, then explode as they dematerialize to be whisked away by screaming black entities who closely resemble Rush Limbaugh :).   

In some cases the lethal weapon of choice that wards off a LeftHate Evildoer is the Star of David, not unlike the one Mrs. Palin now wears around her neck.  

We can only hope the extreme left continues to operate out in the open, vilifying the protectors of the Constitution.  Thanks to our sacred 1st Amendment, the extreme left will vanquish itself. Note to J.F.- You must not be a John Lennon fan 'cause you got some serious "Instant Karma" due.